How to Choose an Appropriate Four-way Intensive Warehouse System Integrator?

Four-way Intensive Warehouse

The market is changing fast, and science and technology are also developing rapidly. In this period of rapid development, our automated warehousing technology has updated to new stages. The four-way intensive warehouse has emerged with its unique advantages and become the first choice for more and more companies' warehousing planning. However, the current market has various integrators, among which there are even some poor integrators. So how should terminal customers choose appropriate partner? As senior professionals in storage industry, we suggest you choose integrator from the following points, hoping to bring some help for you so as to avoid making wrong choice.

You should notice company's registration time and when it started to research and develop four-way intensive warehouse system. The earlier, the better. It can be confirmed from the time when it applied for relevant patents. The earlier the time, the longer its research.

The focus of integrator mainly depends on whether the company's main business is the four-way intensive warehouse system. Does it also make other products or systems? The more product types, the worse the focus. No matter how large the scale of company is, if the focus on four-way intensive warehouse system is not high, it will be difficult to compete with the highly focused small companies. Market specialization and segmentation will be the mainstream in the future.

3.R&D Strength
Are the core products and core technologies independently developed? Is the core product four-way shuttle produced and developed by themselves? Are the core technology such as control system and software system independently developed? What’s more, the more relevant patents, the stronger the strength. If there is an invention patent, it will be even better.

4.Design Ability
An excellent integrator needs to design a perfectly matched project solutions based on the customers’ requirements, and conducts a comprehensive force analysis, process analysis, efficiency analysis, etc. of the system. It must have technology and knowledge on racks, equipment, fire-fighting, scheduling, efficiency calculation, wireless coverage, project implement and so on.

5.Project Experience
Project implementation experience is an important indicator of a company's project implementation capabilities, especially project experience which is successfully accepted and satisfied by customers. In theory, if integrator wants to make this complex four-way intensive warehouse system well, they must have at least 5 years project experience and no less than ten project cases. It may need more than 10 years for experience accumulation to make this system perfect.

6.Multinational Implementation
At present, the market is globalized. The business scope of enterprises is no longer limited to their own country, but around the world. Only those who participate in global competition and occupy a place are truly powerful enterprises. Enterprises with multinational implementation capabilities are generally strong. Their products or systems must be stable and reliable enough to be recognized by foreign customers, and the implementation team must have a certain foreign language foundation.

7.Owned Factory
Most factories nowadays are gradually moving towards an integrated model of "produce, research, sales", especially technology-based companies, which should pay more attention to this aspect. The installation, production and commissioning of core products and systems must be completed under the technical guidance of their own factories. In this way, the commissioning on site will be more successful after products delivery.

8.After-sales Service
No product or system can be without after-sales service. The quality of after-sales service directly affects the customer's evaluation for the integrator. Brand-oriented companies generally lay emphasis on the quality of after-sales service. Good service can not only improve customer favorability and create opportunity for future cooperation, but also help integrator discover their own shortcomings and continuously improve their products and systems.

To sum up, when we judge the strength of an enterprise, we cannot limit ourselves to a single aspect, but should combine the above factors for comprehensive evaluation, so as to relatively and accurately estimate the real strength of the enterprise and choose integrator that meets requirements. Therefore, the future enterprises will compete on comprehensive competitiveness. Every aspect should have no shortcomings.

Nanjing 4D Intelligent Storage Equipment Co., Ltd. is guided by "brand-oriented", focusing on four-way intensive warehouse systems, with strong comprehensive technical strength and good after-sales service reputation. We look forward to inquiries from domestic and foreign customers!

Post time: Sep-13-2024

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